
Time for Fall Nails!

Fall is finally here. This week started off rainy and blustery, just like any proper autumn Monday should.

Since it’s cooler and wetter out, it’s officially time to make the switch to darker, more edgy nail colors. Since I don’t believe in getting manis at spas, I’m back to my routine of doing my nails at home on Sunday nights while watching TV (in bed…because lazy is what’s called for on Sunday nights).
Sorry for the blurry, not-so-awesome iPhone photo.  And the weird claw pose.  Getting a decent shot is tough.
This week’s nail color is Jitterbug from China Glaze. It’s a nice silvery gray with enough shine and metallic in it to make my nails not look overly Gothy. Not that there’s anything wrong with Gothy. Hell, Goth was my look in High School!

What nail color are you rocking right now? And, do you prefer dark nails, colorful nails, or lighter, more neutral nails? My choice? The darker colors of fall/winter.

Description: Time for Fall Nails!
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Time for Fall Nails!