
Glitter Bomb!

I am not a fan of glittery makeup.  Super sparkly eyeshadow is, in my opinion, distracting.  Body glitter seems a bit desperate.  But then, I am a 30-something grown-up and don't have to try to attract anyone in a dark, crowded bar.  No.  Glittery makeup is so not my thing.  Glittery nail polish?  Well, I'll let that one slide.

While glitter on the face or body doesn't ring my chimes, I can understand the appeal of having shiny, sparkly fingernails.  There are so many different shades and degrees of glittery nail polish out there that it's hard to pass up the fun, zazzy trend.

The only downside to glittery nails? Removing it!  Glitter polishes are rough, and even if you add a top coat to protect it, glitter polish seems to chip faster and create a lumpy surface.  This makes polish removal a pain.  The cotton ball scrapes across the nail's surface, and, since the nail surface is far from smooth, the cotton snags and leaves bits of itself behind.  It's messy, tedious business, removing glittery nail polish.

I recently saw a tip for removing glitter polish that I had to try.  You soak cotton balls in nail polish remover, put the soaked cotton ball on your glitter nail, wrap aluminum foil around your finger, wait a few minutes, remove the foil and cotton ball, and viola!  The glitter is gone.
Creepy, foil covered nails!
Armed with pre-cut sheets of foil, I headed to my bathroom to give it a go.  I have "jumbo" cotton balls, so I cut them in half before soaking them in nail polish remover.  I had to do one hand at at time, but I (not so carefully) wrapped each fingertip with a cotton ball in foil and waited for a few minutes.  I peeled it all off and was pleasantly surprised to see that the technique worked! I did have to go over my nails once more to get glitter out of the sides/corners of my nail, but a good 95% of the polish was gone with relative ease.

Almost completely glitter-free
Have you ever tried this technique?  It takes a few minutes to prep and to let the remover-soaked cotton balls do their job, but I was impressed with the results.  I'll be doing this again...unless I hear that nail polish remover and foil create a deadly toxin when used together!

Description: Glitter Bomb!
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Glitter Bomb!