
Fall Trend 2010: Zoya Cheryl

The colour brown can sometimes get a bad rap for being "boring". Zoya's Cheryl ($7 USD) from the Fall Wicked collection is anything but! I instantly fell in love with this rich, jeweled, smokey brown. It's a shade I definitely don't have in my nail polish stash. I love the mix of brown, copper and gold shimmer. It's one of the decadent shades just perfect for Fall!

Taken the morning after application. Without the flash, the shade is deeper and more rich.

Have you tried Zoya Cheryl? Love it? Hate it? Want it?

Description: Fall Trend 2010: Zoya Cheryl
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Fall Trend 2010: Zoya Cheryl