Fall Trend 2010: Zoya Shawn & Cola
Zoya is one nail brand that I can count on to create eye-catching, edgy and unique colours. Wonderful and Wicked from the Fall collection feature 6 creams and 6 sparkling shades. Before I dish about all the lovely colours, lets talk about the application.
Zoya Shawn taken on Day 2 in the am and already chipping :(
Is it me or did the brush get smaller? Getting it to look neat around the cuticle never seemed troublesome before. I'm not sure if the formulation has changed since the summer collection but the application was such a mess. It didn't apply streaky but the formula looked more watery than past nail polishes. Maybe a bad batch? What surprised me even more was that it started to chip by the 2nd day. I guess Joe Fresh nail polishes have set the bar!
As popular as the green nail trend has been, I haven't found one that I've really loved on myself. When I saw Shawn in the bottle, I was hopeful that this mossy green would be the one. When I first applied it, I was kind of on the fence but for the most part liking it. Funny enough, the next day when I woke up the first thing I looked at was my nails and I hated it. I sat with it for a bit but by the afternoon had to remove it. It's a lovely shade of green but it doesn't belong on my finger tips. I think it just brings out too much of the yellow in my skin.
Zoya Cola taken on the 1st day
Zoya Cola is definitely more up my alley. It's a new twist on a classic brown making it more terracotta much like the pretty autumn leaves! I love this much better against my skin tone. The application was still a bit of a mess though and chipped a wee bit by the end of the first day.
Stay tuned for more reviews from the Zoya Fall collection! Have you tried Shawn or Cola? Love 'em? Hate 'em? Want 'em?
Zoya nail polishes retail for $7 USD and $36 USD for the 6 samplers.
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Fall Trend 2010: Zoya Shawn & Cola