
Ritual De Lo Habitual

I don't know about the rest of you, but during the week I am generally on auto-pilot...especially when I'm getting ready for work in the morning.  I seem to have developed a morning routine: get out of bed, brush my teeth, shower, layout my makeup, have breakfast, put on my makeup, blow dry my hair, get dressed and go to work.  Thrilling.  It's amazing how many steps it takes to get ready just to go to stupid work.
My makeup "mise en place."  Funny, this is all drugstore stuff!  It's different products every day.
Putting on my makeup--my warpaint!--before work is one of the more important things I do in the morning.  And I like to give it time since it's so important.  Getting all my products out and in place before I actually apply my makeup gives me a sense of peace on my hectic mornings.  That small act of creating a "makeup mise en place" grants me a moment to think about nothing important. It's dumb, but I like the sense of order and calmness I get from laying it all out. 

My cat, helping me get ready in the morning.  He's a furry makeup artist!
Also important to my morning ritual is my cat, Hugo.  He sits on the counter every morning as I get ready.  He likes to attack my brow brush and thinks eyeliner is really a cat toy in disguise.  He makes makeup application and hair drying all the more interesting (and at times, he drives me crazy!), but I like the company.

All told, I am out of bed, showered, made up, dressed and fed in about an hour and a half.  I know that sounds like a long time, but I love my long, hot showers.  How long does it take you to get ready?  What's your daily beauty ritual?

Description: Ritual De Lo Habitual
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Ritual De Lo Habitual