
Paradise Bound

In a couple of days, I am heading off with my sister for a girls-only trip to Hawaii.  I'll only be gone a few days, but still...I'm excited.  Living in the Seattle area, I don't think I've experienced a summer in quite some time, and I've never been to Hawaii.  It will be weird to be wearing a swimsuit in December, but I am more than ready for some sun and warmth.  The only downside is that the Mister is stuck at home.  I'll take him next time, I'm sure!

It's been so long since I flew anywhere.  In my preparation for this trip, I had to reacquaint myself with the TSA's rules, especially when it comes to beauty supplies.  The TSA's website is, surprisingly, easy to navigate.  If you're like me and plan to travel this winter, the best thing to know is the 3-1-1 rule for carry-ons.  Here it is:

I'm going to be checking one suitcase (god only knows how much THAT will cost me!), but at least I can take a few liquid-y things on board because when it comes to flying, I always need some products to keep me comfortable.

Thanks to the crappy pressure and stale air inside the plane, my skin is going to get dehydrated and gross awfully fast.  There's also the ubiquitous problem of germs on planes to contend with.  To help keep me feeling OK when I fly, here's what I'm packing in my carry-on (following the 3-1-1 rules, of course!):
  • Bottle of water (purchased after I go through security): because you can never have too much water.  Well, I guess you technically CAN, but on a plane, I need to keep hydrated (I never drink on the plane for two reasons: 1) alcohol dehydrates and 2) it's wicked expensive!)
  • Hand sanitizer: I know, I know.  Using hand sanitizer will ultimately lead to a zombie apocalypse or some sort of super-bug, but in the short-term, I'm using the stuff.  God only knows how many millions of icky germs I'll touch just getting to my seat.
  • Cleaning wipes: Did you know that the tray tables on planes are not cleaned after each flight?  Ever wonder how much crud is on one of those trays?  I don't want to think about it.  I know I sound a little crazy, but I'm going with the "safe not sorry" route of travel, especially since it's December and everyone seems to have a cold or worse.  I don't want my time in Hawaii ruined because I picked up a bug!
  • Moisturizer/hand cream and lip balm: my skin will thank me later!
What do you take with you when you travel?  Let me know...and ALOHA!  I'll tell you about my trip when I return.

Description: Paradise Bound
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Paradise Bound