
How To Paint Small Eyes?

How To Paint Small Eyes?

Makeup is an art to be acquired to highlight the features we want and even-looking skin, so be careful with the antics. What we can harness in a face? The lips and eyes, no doubt, but how? Let us step up is a technique paso.El to be acquired to highlight the features we want and even-looking skin, so be careful with the antics. What we can harness in a face? The lips and eyes, no doubt, but how? Let's start step by step.

In case you have small eyes, do not worry!, There is the possibility of creating a beautiful look without shocking them too prominent. According to fisiognomancia, science of eyes reflecting the personality, eyes mean size of less intelligence, is going to you and encouraging? Those with small eyes are more attentive to what happens around them and establish a more creative interpretation. If you think that by them you can only emphasize small lips, you are very confused.

The eyes should not be neglected in the makeup. The eyes say a lot about the personality of a person for others, are a reflection of the soul, so you have to make up as long as we know what we have to emphasize, as a makeup artist and what colors to use.

Eye makeup tips for children:

: First, do not use eyeliner on the upper lid, apply in any case to the lower eyelid and white. Also uses a mascara in targeted areas and do not abuse it. Use darker shades decrease the size of the eyes, better to use light shades and shiny. Finally, curl lashes, touch that will give you more bulkiness to the contour of the eye. On the other hand, while being important, you should keep it shaved eyebrows depending on the features of each person, so you can get more out of the eye.


: Use a beige shade that covers the entire lid and give stability to the eye. Shaded with earth tones from the arch of the eyelid to the eyebrow. Line the same white color, curl lashes and add mask that enhances all around.

And voila. Makeup has never been easier.

Description: How To Paint Small Eyes?
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Reviewer: Cute
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