eye makeup dramatic

For dramatic eye makeup, you do not have to rely on expensive makeup. You can still look like a star with an elegant eye makeup, without having to go to a makeup artist and spent a lot of money. The most important thing is you know the tricks. For that, you can apply eye makeup tricks from brasseriealize's professional eye makeup artist and your makeup become more optimal.

1. When using mascara, do not forget to do a zig-zag motion. This movement is very important because it can separate lashes and avoid clumps. Eyelashes will look a lot more than usual.
2. To facilitate the application of mascara on the lower lashes, hold the brush vertically and move to the left and right. This is done to spruce up mascara.
3. For a more dramatic eye makeup, do not hesitate to use liquid eyeliner on the top of the eye and auto pencil or eyeliner on the bottom of the eye, for ease of application. Blend eyeliner using a cotton bud so that the bottom line is not too hard.

4. eyeshadow greatly affects the entire appearance of your eyes. Eyes will look small if the selected color is too dark. If you have not been good at choosing the right eyeshadow color, look for a neutral color that can be used around the eyes or two basic colors that can help to accentuate the eyes.
5. Eliminate any waterproof mascara with lip and eye make-up remover (special cleaning eye makeup). This has to be done so that no loss of eyelashes and mascara properly erased.
learn the basic eye makeup, then you're on three-quarter way to professionals

Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: eye makeup dramatic