How to get Angelina Jolie's sexy plump lips

1. Condition your lips at night and exfoliate with a soft toothbrush or lip exfoliator to get rid of dead skin cells. This will prevent your lips from looking dehydrated and thin.

2. Use a nude lip liner and outline your lips a little past your natural lip line. Blend out the harsh edges after tracing. Try rounding off your cupid`s bow to make your lips appear plumper.
3. For lipsticks, choose a nude and lighter lip stick over a darker lipstick. Just like how dark clothes slim you down, lighter colors will make your lips look fuller and larger while darker colors will make your lips appear thin.
4. When in a hurry, slab on lipgloss instead of lipstick as lipgloss adds shine, dimension, and hydration to your lips.
5. Use a lip plumper such as LipFusion or Lip Venom. Some contain collagen that instantly fill in the lines of your lips to give you a youthful pout.
6. Apply a pearly silver lipgloss or eyeshadow to the centre of your bottom lips and around the cupid`s bow to make your lips reflect light and give off the illusion of pouty lips.
For how to achieve gorgeous red lips. Read my Glamorous Christmas post by clicking here:
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: How to get Angelina Jolie's sexy plump lips