A Mother's Day Wish List
Happy soon-to-be Mother's Day! Ok, most moms are run-down, tired, and maybe a tad crazy, but being a mommy has its perks. Nothing beats little hugs and kisses, cute scribbles that are supposed to be you, and hearing "I love you - you're the best mommy (no joke my son says this to me on a daily basis!), but we get to be pampered and spoiled with gifts for one whole day all for being an awesome mom! Really, moms should be recognized everyday but I'll take what I can get.
I really don't expect much on Mother's Day - a good brunch with my boys and letting me do nothing is good enough. But...who doesn't like gifts? This is my wish list and hopefully you can get some ideas for the special moms in your life!
Revolution Organics All-Over Body Balm ($28 CAD): As you can see, I don't have any makeup on my wish list at the moment - I know shocking! But right now, I have pretty much everything I could ever want. The All-Over Body Balm from Revolution Organics has been on my "Want" list for a while especially since I got pregnant. I was pleasantly surprised to receive it recently and it couldn't have come at a better time! My skin has been especially dry on my face and my belly has been getting the itchies due to this growing baby. I love that this comes in a portable stick - I throw it in my purse and I'm prepared for an itch attack anytime of the day. You can rub it straight out of the tube on anything from your head to your toes, that needs instant moisture. I love it and when we're out, I use it on my son who has eczema. It's all-natural and has a bunch of organic ingredients that help repair and hydrate the skin. It's the perfect gift for any mom-to-be or moms-on-the-go!
Parisian Chic: A Style Guide By Ines De La Fressange ($34 CAD): The idea of having a Kobo crossed my mind, but the truth is I love keeping original books. I found out about this book from Stephanie of BlushPretty and I knew I had to have it. I love little books like this especially since I have a love affair with anything Parisian (weird since I haven't even traveled there yet - insert sad face). If you've always wondered about the mystic behind Parisian women's effortless beauty, model Ines De La Fressange shares the well-kept secrets of fashion, decor, beauty and much more! You will love the photography and her charming sketches. Who doesn't love receiving books? Top it off with TIME to actually read it and this gift is golden!
Valentino Cat-Eye Tortoise Sunglasses ($250 USD): I did makeup for an event at my best friend's optical the other day and absolutely fell in love with these shades! Cat-eye shaped sunglasses may not seem like a classic shape, but this one really works for the roundness of my face. I especially loved the little "v" cut-out detail on the sides of the glasses. Besides eye cream, a pair of good shades will keep your eyes protected from the sun this summer and keep wrinkles at bay!
Maxi Dresses: I found this one on Motherhood Maternity, but it's not necessarily the one I want. I figure with the hot summer and my prego belly, a maxi dress will look stylish, be easy to throw on, and most importantly keep me cool. I really dislike a lot of maternity clothes, so I will be shopping around and will most likely buy regular clothes in Large. I seriously need to stock up on dresses asap! What mom doesn't like a shopping spree? A sure winner!
What are your must-get items for the special moms in your life? For all the moms out there, what's on your 'want' list?
Revolution Organics All-Over Body Balm was sent for editorial consideration and I truly love it.
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: A Mother's Day Wish List