
Beauty News: TIFFing In The eTalk Lounge Recap!

My home during TIFF - the makeup/storage room!

My first Toronto Film Fest and I made it out alive! Despite the early mornings and the craziness that TIFF brings, it was one of the best experiences of my makeup career! I'm so fortunate and so happy that I got the chance to be apart of it with much thanks to Annesley from CARGO Cosmetics!

CARGO products used to touch-up celebrities and beautify the eTalk hosts!

There were many celebrities that came through the eTalk Celebrity Interview Lounge but the ones that I was most star struck with were Harvey Keitel, Paul Giamotti, Minnie Driver, Josh Brolin, and Jason Jones. Harvey Keitel is a movie icon and I absolutely loved him in Reservoir Dogs! He was our first interview yesterday and came in with a big smile and said "Hello! How is everyone this morning?". He's amazing and I totally would have run up to him and hugged him if it weren't for trying to be professional! Annesley had the lovely pleasure of powdering his nose!

 eTalk Celebrity Interview Lounge. Swag everywhere! I was gifted with some sweet swag too!

Paul Giamotti was a big teddy bear and so sweet. I also wanted to run and hug him! Minnie Driver is so stunning and even more so in person. She's just so statuesque and elegant. Josh Brolin physically isn't my type but he's definitely got sex appeal. I was also expecting him to be taller in person since he usually plays these bad-ass characters in his films. Gotta love those camera tricks! 

If you're not familiar with Jason Jones he is on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and is married to Samantha Bee. They are a hilarious duo. He sat in our CARGO makeup chair cracking jokes with us and talking about Bloody Caesars while Annesley powdered him up. He was awesome and I took a quick snap of him on my camera phone - shhh! Unfortunately we were not allowed to snap photos of the celebrities - understandable of course.

Loved doing makeup on eTalk Vancouver reporter, Susie Wall! She was absolutely lovely!

I missed Jennifer Connelly and Ryan Gosling and I heard they created quite a frenzy in the eTalk Lounge! Other stars I would have loved to meet: Natalie Portman, Carrie Mulligan, James Franco, Frida Pinto, Jason Reitman, Martin Sheen, Robert DeNiro, Blake Lively and Marion Cotillard (who I heard from Lainey Gossip is out of this world drop-dead-gorgeous). But getting to meet celebrities was just the icing on the cake. What really made the week worth it was working with the amazing eTalk crew, the eTalk hosts, Annesley and the David's Tea girls (which I'm totally hooked on now). What's ironic is that I didn't get to see any movies! So many on my list to see including Black Swan and I'm Still Here. 

 eTalk cast filming the last TIFF10 segment. I worked mostly on Lainey, Ben and Susie but in this photo I did Lainey's makeup (such a beauty).

Me with the gorgeous Traci Melchor - I looked so horrible that day!

My first TIFF down and hopefully many more to come! Did you see any movies or meet any celebrities? If you missed my first TIFF post click here.

Description: Beauty News: TIFFing In The eTalk Lounge Recap!
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Beauty News: TIFFing In The eTalk Lounge Recap!