How to make eyes look bigger and brighter

B ig, B old and B right eyes scream charm and beauty. Let’s face it girls, not all of us are blessed with Angelina Jolie’s dolly eyes that make guys go gaga. I, for one, long for bigger eyes that will frame my wider face. I’ve spent years trying to master bigger eyes on myself and others and would love to share some of the tips with you. Master bigger eyes when you focus on these concepts below and soon you will make your eyes look at least double their size. Feel free to comment and share your tips!
1. The Dark Eyeliner to “define your eyes”
v Both liquid and pencil liners will do the trick
v When using liquid eyeliner, remember to draw a thin line on the inner corner and a thicker line as you go towards the outer corner. This will give your eyes an eye opening effect.
v When using pencil eyeliner, remember to smudge the line in order to create a smoky effect that gives the illusion of depth in your eyes.
v Tight line with a kohl liner to give the illusion of thicker lashes that will instantly magnify your eyes
2. The Light Eyeliner to “enlarge the parameter of your eyes”
v Rim the lower waterline with an eye brightening eyeliner
v If you are fair skinned, you can use white and still pull it off
v If you are darker tanned skinned, use a peach or skin colored eyeliner so it looks more natural and doesn’t compete with the whites of your eyes.
3. The Eye shadow and highlight to “draw light to your eyes”
v Champagne, light golden, silvery gray, light taupe, beige, light blue will draw light to your eyes so that the dark eyeliner will pop
v Sweep a light dust of these colors all over the lid stopping below the eye brow bone
v Choose a lighter shade and pop it right under the eyebrow bone to highlight and give definition to your eye region
4. The Eyelashes to “open the eyes up endlessly”
v One of the most important steps. Eyelashes instantly make eyes larger because the eyelashes extend the eyes so that the shape of the eyes are less confined
v Choose lashes that are longer on the outer corners because it opens the eyes up. Cut them if needed
v Use mascara to blend the fake lashes with your own and curl them
5. The contour to “add dimension to your eyes”
v Fake deeper set eyes by using a contour powder or any matte light or dark brown eyeshadow depending on your skintone
v Using a windshield wiper motion, start with a gentle hand and create a contour from right above the outer corner of your eyes and dragging it in a semicircle to the middle of your lid
v To find the natural socket of your eyes, tilt head back and look down
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: How to make eyes look bigger and brighter