
Makeup Junkie Site Restored

Last week my site went through some unfortunate events and a lot of bloggers are going through this right now. Makeup Junkie was being labeled by Google as hosting "malicious software". After trying everything I could, my site was eventually deleted! You can imagine the panic I went through (thanks to my husband for keeping me calm and collected). I'm still not sure what caused it all but I eventually had to take off any third party links to ensure I would get my site back.

I just want my readers to know that my site is back to normal so please don't be scared to come back! :) I suggest any bloggers going through this to post in the Blogger and Google forums listing what happened in the most calm and polite manner. I posted asking why my site was deleted and I received a response rather quickly. My site was back and running the next day thankfully! I remember that moment of feeling like I've lost almost 3 years of my work and thoughts! Good luck to those that are frantically trying to get their site back - I feel for ya! Don't give up because eventually things will be resolved! :)

Description: Makeup Junkie Site Restored
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Makeup Junkie Site Restored