
Think Pink: Makeup Junkie Update

I can't believe it's only Day 2 because the buzz is everywhere! Amazing! In a previous post I said I would be giving $1 for every comment up to $150 and donating to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I still plan to do this but will be giving half to BCRF and the other half will go to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Events are happening all across Canada one of which includes the CIBC Run For The Cure happening this Sunday, October 5th.

I also wanted to let readers know that I've added the ChipIn Widget created by The Beauty Blog Network for Breast Cancer Research Foundation on the right hand side of my page. You can automatically donate by clicking on the widget or you can visit http://comments4acure.chipin.com/breast-cancer-awareness. Every little bit helps!


Description: Think Pink: Makeup Junkie Update
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Think Pink: Makeup Junkie Update