
Beauty Fix Weekend Reads: TotalBeauty.com

How has everyone's week been? I apologize for the lack of posts this week! It's been a week of running around for a weekend family trip next weekend. Long story short, I am able to get my passport 1 day before I leave!! Phew! I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend! Here are some great reads from around the Total Beauty world!

The Muse shares her first impressions of MAC DressCamp with Product Photos and Swatches of this sold out Collection!

Laurie at Beauty's Spot gets
an amazing massage and energy healing session from a San Francisco-based massage therapist and healer.

Monique at beauty girl musings shares how to save your hair from everyday heat styling.

Girl Gloss finds a great new lipstick from the new Sally Hansen Natural Beauty Cosmetics line

Tink at Casual Lavish talks about At home remedies for whitening your fingernails.

Beauty Anonymous invites you to the springtime nail colors of OPI 2008 Beyond Chic Collection .

Beauty411 shares her review of Klean Bath + Body's Blue Hawaii Sugar Body Polish, which smells like a tropical island and exfoliates your skin, too!

Forget virgin daiquiris, The Beauty of Life is all about the gorgeous polishes from the new Extra Virgin Collection from Dashing Diva!

Periodic Style's Jeanne goes back to school at Sephora University!

Toya of The Life of A Ladybug asks "What's your 'thing' right now?"

Find out which organic shower gel, leaves Christine's hubby in a woodsy lather...at Beauty in Real Life.

Answering the complicated question, "What does organic mean?", A Mom in Red High Heels helps clear away the confusion.

Budget Beauty Love takes a look at the new Sally Hansen Natural Beauty foundation and primer and isn’t too thrilled.

Makeup Junkie finds a new best friend in Mischo Beauty has a reader who shares her favorite organic conditioner!

Daily Dose of Coffee features Lush as a green company profile.

Description: Beauty Fix Weekend Reads: TotalBeauty.com
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Beauty Fix Weekend Reads: TotalBeauty.com