Beauty News: Chick Advisor's Queen Street Shop Crawl Part Deux!
Missing the first Queen Street shop crawl was unfortunate and for me to miss the 2nd one would have been inexcusable! November 2nd was marked on my calendar months ago as soon as, Ali, from Chick Advisor announced she'd be organizing a part deux. And for those of you that don't know, Ali and her husband Alex, had the camera crews from CBC following the duo around for the last few weeks and ended their story with the successful shop crawl last Friday. Well deserved exposure for entrepreneurs on the rise, which is what the CBC show, Fortune Hunters, focuses on.

I was excited to have the chance to do Ali's makeup for the shop crawl. The morning of, I woke up with a terrible soar throat and made sure to down some vitamin c and DayQuil. There was no way I was going to miss this! Since Ali was also fighting a cold and frazzled with everything going on, we decided on going with a look that would make her look and feel fresh and radiant. She requested a look we did from 'Where'd You Get That?' Episode #2. We went with a shimmery gold shadow on the eyes, some falsies, soft pink on the apples of the cheek, and instead of a cherry red lip we went with a bright pink shade to match her oh-so-cute Chick Advisor t-shirt (which you can purchase online at! Ali will be doing a write up of the makeup products I used on Chick Lit, the official Chick Advisor blog so be on the look out!
The CBC crew arrived and right away got down to business. It was fun watching them in action filming Ali's day-to-day Chick Advisor activities. Ali's sisters, Claire and Pam, were great fun and were of course there to help out with the shop crawl. I stuck around in case Ali needed me for touch ups and to help with the media swag bags. After Ali's interview wrapped up, it was time to head over to trendy Queen St. W to do some shopping!

It was a great turnout and I got to meet some cool Chick Advisor members. A few fashion bloggers also came out and indulged in some shopping. I fell in love with a lot of great shoes and a lot of great clothes, but all I allowed myself to get was a fabulously cozy sweater from Fraiche, that Ali and I both bought (don't worry - Ali assured me it was cool and I just had to get it!). It was a very popular store with us ladies during the shop crawl and it's too bad I didn't buy more. :( It's ok, Ali did enough damage for the both of us! lol

The night ended with an after-party at Milestones where all the ladies were treated to bellinis, food, fantastic swag bags, and prizes. I, unfortunately, had to cut the party short due to a feverish chill that had taken over my body! As fun as shopping can be, it can be a workout especially if you're sick and your medicine is wearing off! From Ali's pictures, everyone had an amazing time. Thank you to Ali and her husband for organizing such an amazing event for women to mingle and have a great time! Do I hear a shop crawl Part Trois in the works (doesn't have quite the same ring as part deux lol)??

Beauty News: Chick Advisor's Queen Street Shop Crawl Part Deux!
I was excited to have the chance to do Ali's makeup for the shop crawl. The morning of, I woke up with a terrible soar throat and made sure to down some vitamin c and DayQuil. There was no way I was going to miss this! Since Ali was also fighting a cold and frazzled with everything going on, we decided on going with a look that would make her look and feel fresh and radiant. She requested a look we did from 'Where'd You Get That?' Episode #2. We went with a shimmery gold shadow on the eyes, some falsies, soft pink on the apples of the cheek, and instead of a cherry red lip we went with a bright pink shade to match her oh-so-cute Chick Advisor t-shirt (which you can purchase online at! Ali will be doing a write up of the makeup products I used on Chick Lit, the official Chick Advisor blog so be on the look out!
The CBC crew arrived and right away got down to business. It was fun watching them in action filming Ali's day-to-day Chick Advisor activities. Ali's sisters, Claire and Pam, were great fun and were of course there to help out with the shop crawl. I stuck around in case Ali needed me for touch ups and to help with the media swag bags. After Ali's interview wrapped up, it was time to head over to trendy Queen St. W to do some shopping!

It was a great turnout and I got to meet some cool Chick Advisor members. A few fashion bloggers also came out and indulged in some shopping. I fell in love with a lot of great shoes and a lot of great clothes, but all I allowed myself to get was a fabulously cozy sweater from Fraiche, that Ali and I both bought (don't worry - Ali assured me it was cool and I just had to get it!). It was a very popular store with us ladies during the shop crawl and it's too bad I didn't buy more. :( It's ok, Ali did enough damage for the both of us! lol

The night ended with an after-party at Milestones where all the ladies were treated to bellinis, food, fantastic swag bags, and prizes. I, unfortunately, had to cut the party short due to a feverish chill that had taken over my body! As fun as shopping can be, it can be a workout especially if you're sick and your medicine is wearing off! From Ali's pictures, everyone had an amazing time. Thank you to Ali and her husband for organizing such an amazing event for women to mingle and have a great time! Do I hear a shop crawl Part Trois in the works (doesn't have quite the same ring as part deux lol)??

Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Cute
ItemReviewed: Beauty News: Chick Advisor's Queen Street Shop Crawl Part Deux!